Quantum Healing Hypnosis Techniqueâ„ (QHHT®) | Past Life Regress | Between Lives
Higher Self Questions
I have XYZ health challenges, what lessons are there to be learned? Am I ready to integrate the lesson and let go of the health challenge?
What lifestyle or dietary changes would most benefit me?
I am in a relationship. Are they my twin flame? Are they my Soul mate?
Why am I addicted to (drugs, cigarettes, sex, etc...)? Can I stop?
I am in a relationship. Are they my twin flame? Are they my Soul mate?
I have a difficult relationship with (person). Can it be resolved?
I really dislike my job and would like to quit and find a new one.
What is my life's purpose?
How can I hear my spirit guide(s) or guardian angel(s)?
Can I know their names?
Can I improve my intuitive or psychic skills? How?
How can I realize my spiritual/creative gifts?
How can I be financially supported by my spiritual gifts?
I have a scar, is this linked to another life's injury?
Why do I have this particular fear/phobia that prevents me from enjoying life?
Why has my love one died? Can I see them again?
Why do I feel so out of place in this lifetime, like I never fit in.
How many lives have I lived? Were they all human?
How can I make sense of my dreams, they seem so cryptic.
​Have I ever been abducted, when and for what purpose?