What I Offer...
I AM a channel for my guides (aspects of myself in other timelines) and for the guides that come through for all present during the gathering. I work with rainbow frequency, serpent frequency, power plant frequencies, and all elements to promote personal and planetary evolution. Through this tapping in, lighter-dimensional frequencies can be accessed and shared within the group. Energies that align with the heart space are permitted to come forward offering their unique gifts for our healing within the sacred circle.
Some examples.
Ancient Aboriginal Australians, Mayans, Native Indians (from Canada), Divine Source (feminine), Dragon Energy, Arcturians, Pleadians, Praying Mantis, Māori, Ancient Egyptians. These are just a few.
I work side by side with aspects of myself, a Black Dragon, Shaman/Sorceress. These female energies protect the sacred circle I will create. The dragon breaths through me in various tones, customized tones for the attendees which ushers out energetic blockages using golden frequency energy. Through these tones, we are able to release deep energies/blockages that no longer serve us.
The Shaman can see other lifetimes and guides that present. My father's lineage is tapped into and I open up to the infinite possibilities raw source energies provide. I will decide how/if to proceed in any given way. If it is so, I will see lifetimes that are meant for us to be aware of, through your energy. I may place my hands on you/your spine if guided to activate anything within you. I will hold a space for my intuitive guidance that will elicit the appropriate energetic modality to get energies moving along.
I have been a code bearer for many lifetimes (if you are attending, you have been as well). My intention is to hold a space for the release of as much energy that is in contrast to your evolution, in that moment. And as we all do this in the sacred circle, we are actually holding a space for humanity to move through this shift as smoothly as possible. Promoting less violence/natural disaster as we hold a platform for mother Earth to release the pent up energy in this heart centered way. Less contrast energies to release through violence.
Thank you for your work.
How Do I Prepare?
An Intake Form outlining the following is completed to determine if you are a good fit. This intake form is at the top of this page.
Necessary Diet
What not to eat
Current Health Questions
If approved, this is a list of what to bring.
Wear comfortable clothing. i.e. Jogging pants etc....
Shoes that can easily be taken on or off.
Extra underwear.
Water bottle.
Have a pillow and blanket accessible.
A light snack will be offered afterward, please bring something in the event you have food restrictions.
What to Expect.
Discuss in as much detail as you feel comfortable, your intention for the experience.
Some examples of my intentions for reference might look like:
My intention today is to help in anyway permitted, the children of this world move past their learning experience gaining the necessary incarnated lesson that they intended. I would like to provide any support.
I am asking for an upgrade in moving through self worth distortions in order to be more effective in the energetic work I do. What ever that looks like.
Allow me to tap into my inner wisdom as I find the best words to support anything that come to me.
What ever that I need to let go that no longer serves me, show me and help me understand this.
Help me overcome the fear that has been preventing me from moving closer to who IAM.
All cell phone will be placed in a box and not to be touched until ceremony is closed.
The Circle is opened for inner exploration including calling in all energies resonating with the heart to come forward.
We are accessing the spiritual realms. You will be using all of your senses in this state, your perception will be expansive. Sights become more vivid, colors more vibrant, and sounds more pronounced. Because you are delving into the depths of your own psyche you may confront fears, unresolved issues, and suppressed emotions.
You may feel a sense of timelessness.
Your intuition is off the charts.
After about five hours, the effects wind down, we close the circle and discuss what we have learned (in as much detail as you feel comfortable). I lend my spiritual insights to help interpret what had transpired.
You will feel a renewed sense of purpose and understanding.
We eat & drink and be merry.
You are not permitted to drive home by yourself, ideally you are to be picked up or take a cab home. I can help arrange means of transport, a fee might be incurred (but cheaper than a cab).
There is no charge for the power plant, this is a gift for the work you are doing. The fee for my time is:
$123.00 per attendee when in a group setting.
$321.00 for couples or 1on1 sessions.
You Should Probably Consider...
The energies I work with are strong. They transmute hardcore. They ground new blueprints permanently. They are meant to bring one into realizing their IAM presence.
I am able to do this work because I can keep the energies from getting out of control, this is my purpose, this is what my whole life has prepared me to do.
This gathering is not for those that:
Are scared of the unknown.
Jealous of others, (although shadow work is a big part of this, disrespect will not be tolerated and will be addressed to show the meaning of why it presented).
for "funzies" to get stoned, and lazy. (part of exploring oneself is to be aware of all aspects and summoning your power. You are not going for a ride, you are deciding where to go based on intention).
Not O-PEN TO CHANGE. (there will be many codes around and you will always get what you are ready for and need).
With Sincere Gratitude,